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Version: edge

Syslog UDP

The syslog udp example is demonstrate a number things:

  1. Encoding data in the syslog format.
  2. Sending data over UDP.
  3. Receiving data over UDP.
  4. Decoding syslog formatted data.

For digestion it is entirely self-contained inside a single tremor instance using multiple parallel pipelines, sinks and sources.



All the code here is available in the git repository as well and can be run with docker compose up.


The sources and sinks we use are:

  • The metronome source - to generate data in one second intervals.
  • The udp sink - to send the data over UDP.
  • The udp source - to receive data via UDP.
  • The stdout sink - to display data decoded and re-formatted as JSON.

In addition we have two pipelines.

The producer pipeline takes the tick from metronome and generates a syslog message. It is only handling message rewriting.

The consumer pipeline takes the syslog message and forwards it. It is a passthrough pipeline.

The binding expresses those relations and gives the graph of onramp, pipeline and offramp. We hare left with those two workflows:

metronome -> producer -> syslog-udp-out

syslog-udp-in -> consumer -> stdout-output

Finally the mapping instantiates the binding with the given name and instance variable to activate the elements of the binding.

Business Logic

The only interesting part to look at is the event rewriting, this uses an example syslog message and adds the as a structured_data field.

select {
"severity": "notice",
"facility": "local4",
"hostname": "",
"appname": "evntsog",
"msg": "BOMAn application event log entry...",
"procid": null,
"msgid": "ID47",
"protocol": "RFC5424",
"protocol_version": 1,
"structured_data": {
"exampleSDID@32473" :
{"eventSource": "Tremor"},
{"eventID": "#{ }"}
"timestamp": event.ingest_ns
} from in into out


If using the CLI, you can run the server using config artifacts and see a log message triggered by the metronome every second being transformed by the pipeline into json and sent to stdout:

$ tremor server run -f docs/recipes/14_syslog_udp/etc/tremor/config/*
tremor version: 0.11.12 heads/v0.11.12:77792d92a9e5788eb221b1e64cde4d2dce756340
>> {"hostname":"","severity":"notice","facility":"local4","timestamp":1651666687465441000,"protocol":"RFC5424","protocol_version":1,"appname":"evntsog","msgid":"ID47","structured_data":{"exampleSDID@32473":[{"eventSource":"Tremor"},{"eventID":"0"}]},"procid":null,"msg":"BOMAn application event log entry..."}
>> {"hostname":"","severity":"notice","facility":"local4","timestamp":1651666688468303000,"protocol":"RFC5424","protocol_version":1,"appname":"evntsog","msgid":"ID47","structured_data":{"exampleSDID@32473":[{"eventSource":"Tremor"},{"eventID":"1"}]},"procid":null,"msg":"BOMAn application event log entry..."}

Since the config enables a syslog receiver on port 12201, you should be able to send custom syslog messages with the logger command.

$ logger -d -n -P 12201 "Weeeeh. It works :D"

NOTE: If you are running the recipe inside a docker container, execute the command inside the container using docker exec. If you are running using the CLI, leave tremor running and execute this in a different terminal window.

You should be able to see a message similar to this in the tremor output.

>> {"hostname":"neptune","severity":"notice","facility":"user","timestamp":1651671807829230000,
"protocol":"RFC5424", "protocol_version":1,"appname":"sandipb","msgid":null,
"procid":null, "msg":"Weeeeh. It works :D"}